Breakthroughs in Sickle Cell Anemia
Researchers are making landmark breakthroughs in sickle cell research - Jose Mercado Sickle cell Anemia is a genetic disease carried by a recessive gene where the red blood cells malform and become sickle or crescent shaped causing red blood cells to die prematurely. This can pose a number or problems regarding not only quality of life, but also surgical complications, and injury prevention due to fragility. Since 1948 the National Institute of Health (NIH) has been working to improve clinical care and advancing the understanding of Sickle Cell Some of the pioneering discoveries NIH has made are in the departments of NHLBI Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea which demonstrated a medication called hydroxyurea reduced episodes of spontaneous pain in over 1/2 of severely affected adults with sickle cell disease. Another landmark in the war against Sickle Cell was the Sickle Cell Disease Treatment with Arginine Therapy or (STArT) fo...